S.No. |
Release Date |
Title |
Link |
1 |
09-02-2022 |
All Candidate List for Assistant Manager (Plant) |
All Candidate List for Dairy Technician |
All Candidate List for Fitter |
All Candidate List for Helper Dairy Worker |
All Candidate List for Lab Assistant |
Cut Off Table |
Result for Assistant Manager (Plant) |
Result for Dairy Technician |
Result for Fitter |
Result for Helper Dairy Worker |
Result for Lab Assistant |
2 |
07-02-2022 |
All Candidate List for Boiler Operator II |
All Candidate List for Junior Accountant Purchase Store Supervisor |
Cut Off Table |
Result for Boiler Operator II |
Result for Junior Accountant Purchase Store Supervisor |
3 |
31-01-2022 |
All Candidate List for Assistant Manager (Engineering) |
All Candidate List for Electrician |
All Candidate List for Village Extension Worker Dairy Supervisor |
Cut Off Table |
Result for Assistant Manager (Engineering) |
Result for Electrician |
Result for Village Extension Worker Dairy Supervisor |
4 |
13-01-2022 |
All Candidate List for Assistant Manager (Animal Nutrition) |
All Candidate List for Assistant Manager (Instrumentation) |
All Candidate List for Assistant Manager (Procurement & Input) |
All Candidate List for Assistant Manager (Quality Control) |
All Candidate List for Boiler Operator I |
All Candidate List for Dairy Supervisor III |
All Candidate List for Livestock Supervisor II |
All Candidate List for Refrigeration Operator |
All Candidate List for Welder |
Cut Off Table |
Result for Assistant Manager (Animal Nutrition) |
Result for Assistant Manager (Instrumentation) |
Result for Assistant Manager (Procurement & Input) |
Result for Assistant Manager (Quality Control) |
Result for Boiler Operator I |
Result for Dairy Supervisor III |
Result for Livestock Supervisor II |
Result for Refrigeration Operator |
Result for Welder |
5 |
10-01-2022 |
All Candidate List for Assistant Manager (Finance and Accounts) |
All Candidate List for Assistant Manager (Information Technology) |
All Candidate List for Assistant Manager (Marketing) |
All Candidate List for Deputy Manager (Engineering) |
All Candidate List for Deputy Manager (Quality Control) |
Assistant Manager (Finance and Accounts) |
Assistant Manager (Information Technology) |
Assistant Manager (Marketing) |
Cut off Table |
Deputy Manager (Engineering) |
Deputy Manager (Quality Control) |
6 |
06-01-2022 |
All Candidate List for Assistant Accounts Officer II |
All Candidate List for Assistant Dairy Chemist |
All Candidate List for Assistant Manager (Personnel & Administration) |
All Candidate List for Assistant Manager (Refrigeration Operation) |
All Candidate List for Assistant Manager (Computer Systems) |
All Candidate List for Assistant Manager (Farmer Organization) |
All Candidate List for Deputy Manager (Procurement & Input) |
Cut off Table |
Result for Assistant Accounts Officer II |
Result for Assistant Dairy Chemist |
Result for Assistant Manager (Personnel & Administration) |
Result for Assistant Manager (Refrigeration Operation) |
Result for Assistant Manager (Computer Systems) |
Result for Assistant Manager (Farmer Organization) |
Result for Deputy Manager (Procurement & Input) |
7 |
03-01-2022 |
Result for Plant Operator II |
All Candidate List for Plant Operator II |
Cut Off for Plant Operator II |
8 |
15-12-2021 |
Important Notification Regarding Document Verification |
9 |
03-12-2021 |
Notification Regarding RCDF DUSS Results |
Deputy Manager (Quality Control) |
Boiler Operator I |
Fitter |
10 |
23-11-2021 |
All Candidate List for Assistant Manager (Boiler Operation) |
All Candidate List for Assistant Manager (Civil) |
All Candidate List for Assistant Manager (Environment & ETP) |
All Candidate List for Deputy Manager (Farmer Organization) |
All Candidate List for Junior Engineer (Civil) |
Cut OFF Table Result |
Result for Assistant Manager (Boiler Operation) |
Result for Assistant Manager (Civil) |
Result for Assistant Manager (Environment & ETP) |
Result for Deputy Manager (Farmer Organization) |
Result for Junior Engineer (Civil) |
11 |
22-11-2021 |
All Candidate List for General Manager FO and AH |
All Candidate List for General Manager Marketing |
All Candidate List for General Manager Plant |
All Candidate List for General Manager Quality Control |
Cut OFF Table for GM Posts |
Result for General Manager FO and AH |
Result for General Manager Marketing |
Result for General Manager Plant |
Result for General Manager Quality Control |
12 |
12-11-2021 |
Notification Regarding RCDF DUSS Results |
Assistant Manager (Computer System) |
Assistant Manager (Engineering) |
Assistant Manager (Farmers Organization) |
Assistant Manager (Marketing) |
Assistant Manager (Procurement & Input) |
Junior Accountant Purchase Store Supervisor |
Village Extension Worker Dairy Supervisor |
13 |
11-11-2021 |
Important Information Regarding RCDF/DUSS Recruitment |
14 |
10-11-2021 |
Notification Regarding RCDF DUSS Results |
Deputy Manager (Engineering) |
Assistant Manager (Instrumentation) |
Assistant Manager (Plant) |
Assistant Manager (Procurement & Inputs) |
Assistant Manager (Personnel & Administration) |
Assistant Manager (Quality Control) |
Assistant Manager (Refrigeration Operation) |
Assistant Manager (Animal Nutrition) |
Dairy Supervisor III |
Electrician |
Welder |
Assistant Account Officer II |
Boiler Operator II |
Plant Operator II |
Dairy Technician |
Lab Assistant |
Helper/Dairy Worker |
15 |
02-11-2021 |
Notification Regarding RCDF DUSS Results |
Assistant Manager (Information Technology) |
Assistant Manager (Finance & Accounts) |
Assistant Dairy Chemist |
Livestock Supervisor - II |
Refrigeration Operator |
16 |
29-10-2021 |
Notification Regarding RCDF DUSS General Manager Posts |
General Manager (Farmer Organization & Animal Husbandry) |
General Manager (Quality Control) |
General Manager (Plant) |
General Manager (Marketing) |
17 |
20-10-2021 |
Assistant Manager (Bioler Operation) |
Assistant Manager (Civil) |
Assistant Manager (Environment & ETP) |
Deputy Manager (Farmer Organization) |
Junior Engineer (Civil) |
Notification Regarding RCDF DUSS Results |
SUWB KVSS Not Qualified Candidate List |
SUWB KVSS Qualified But Not Selected Candidate List |
18 |
20-09-2021 |
Result for 385 Posts in SUWB KVSS |
19 |
26-02-2020 |
Banking Assistant Cut Off |
Banking Assistant Not Qualified Candidates List |
Banking Assistant Qualified But Not Selected Candidate List |
20 |
26-02-2020 |
Computer Programmer Cut Off |
Computer Programmer Not Qualified Candidates List |
Computer Programmer Qualified But Not Selected Candidate List |
21 |
26-02-2020 |
Manager Cut Off |
Manager Not Qualified Candidates List |
Manager Qualified But Not Selected Candidate List |
22 |
26-02-2020 |
Senior Manager Cut Off |
Senior Manager Not Qualified Candidates List |
Senior Manager Qualified But Not Selected Candidate List |
23 |
26-02-2020 |
Steno Cut Off |
Steno Not Qualified Candidates List |
Steno Qualified But Not Selected Candidate List |
24 |
18/02/2020 |
Result declares of Banking Assistant Post |
25 |
14/02/2020 |
Result For Post Of Computer Programmer |
26 |
14/02/2020 |
Result For Post Of Manager |
27 |
14/02/2020 |
Result For Post Of Senior Manager |
28 |
14/02/2020 |
Result For Post Of Steno |